Crucial TIP: How to avoid feeling treated like a slave
Have you ever been in such a situation?
Although you know your ideas are definitely better, your colleague keeps pushing his/her own… giving you instructions.
You probably feel stuck facing what we call a Crucial Conversation, in which 3 elements combine:
1) strong emotions,
2) high stakes, and
3) opposing opinions.
Our Crucial TIP is: Don't let stories take over your mind: ask questions to clarify your understanding!
Step back, take a different angle on the situation and master your stories!
Learn more about how to stay in dialogue and avoid burnout:
About Inspiring Culture: We enable people and organizations to adopt behaviors that have a disproportionate impact on outcomes, and make sustainable positive differences in their environment.
Inspiring Culture is the authorized distributor of Crucial Learning in the French and Italian-speaking regions of Switzerland and in Northern Italy.
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